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Will bead smoke kill you? What harm does it cause?

鏃堕棿:2018-11-05 08:18:44鏉ユ簮:鏈珯 浣滆€匉admin 鐐瑰嚮: 娆狘/div>
We all know that smoking is harmful to health. This is scientifically verified. Firecracker smoke is a kind of tobacco that is different from ordinary cigarettes. So, what harm does pearl smoke do to men? Is pearl smoke more harmful than ordinary ones? Next, let's take you to know the harm of Pearl smoke by China Cigarette Network.
In addition, there are some menthol cigarettes on the market, menthol for menthol cigarettes is a synthetic spice. But some of the cigarettes used menthol will affect male function.
Identification method:
1. Generally speaking, spermicidal cigarette filter will have a spermicidal line in the middle. Peeling off the filter is the easiest way to identify spermicidal cigarette.
2. Smell, this is about to be broken off and smelled, from where the filter and the cigarette body are connected, where it is not broken, the filter has a mint flavor, it is okay, if the cigarette body has a mint flavor, we should pay attention to it.
The hazards of Pearl smoke are many low-char smoke, even 1 mg of smoke has pearls, in fact, smoking for this period, found that if it is low-char smoke, such as 1-5 char, his own smoke is very light, plus the pearl, then dilute the smoke, in fact, it is not called smoking, as if it is really smoking air. Besides the peppermint flavor, the other flavors of this kind of popcorn are basically not very different. It smells different, but it tastes the same when it is smoked. It makes people feel uncomfortable when it is smoked too much.
So I personally suggest that 1-5 joules, basically below 8 joules, there should be explosive beads, it is best not to explode, just smoke it directly, after the explosion is actually not a good thing. Peppermint flavors should also be dispensed and less smoked. If you smoke more than 8 burners, you can play with it. After all, the smoke is heavy and diluted, which does not hinder the feeling of smoking. You do not feel like you are smoking or you don't know what you are smoking.
Research shows:
In order to study the effect of explosive bead breaking on the release of harmful components in cigarette smoke, the effects of explosive bead breaking on the release of seven harmful components in mainstream smoke and the interception efficiency of filter were analyzed with typical domestic explosive bead cigarettes as samples.
(1) Under ISO smoking conditions, compared with conventional cigarettes, except for benzopyrene which is higher than conventional cigarettes, there is no difference in the release of other harmful components from single branch of balloon cigarettes compared with conventional cigarettes.
(2) For single cigarette with broken beads, the release of crotonaldehyde from single cigarette decreases significantly, while the release of other components has no significant difference.
(3) For the release of nicotine per milligram of harmful components in mainstream flue gas, whether the explosive beads are broken or not has a significant effect on ammonia, NNK and crotonaldehyde. After the explosive beads are broken, the release of nicotine per milligram of ammonia and NNK increases, while the release of nicotine per milligram of crotonaldehyde decreases.
(4) Whether the explosive beads are broken or not has a significant effect on NNK and phenol in the filter. After the explosive beads are broken, the rejection of phenol in the filter increases, and the rejection ability of NNK decreases. In 2012, through the pioneering "cross-border tobacco and alcohol", Guizhou Zhongyan added Maotai liquor into cigarettes in the form of pearls to create "expensive cigarettes (national liquor incense)", which can be regarded as a landmark product of domestic pearl-cracking cigarettes.
Since then, a number of cigarette brands have catched up and launched personalized pearl-cracker cigarettes, which are full of flowers and have Chinese characteristics: wild ginseng, dendrobium, orange peel with scarce raw materials; Maotai, Guizhou, Tangli flower with local characteristics of raw materials. Dendrobium burst beads, tangerine peel beads. And common foreign countries are blueberry, whisky, peppermint and other flavored beads. From the point of view of taste, China wins them.

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