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Method for making smoke detector for bead detection

鏃堕棿:2018-11-05 07:27:45鏉ユ簮:鏈珯 浣滆€匉admin 鐐瑰嚮: 娆狘/div>
It is also a granulated capsule made from wall material wrapped with tobacco flavors. It is one of the techniques used in cigarette aroma compensation. When it is broken, it has a burst feeling, which can reduce the harm of cigarette itself and reduce the smell of cigarettes, so as not to overstimulate smokers' trachea and respiratory tract. Organs such as cigarettes, which can also add spices to meet the requirements of smokers for aroma, are currently mainly used in cigarettes, which is often referred to as pearl smoke. Pearl smoke refers to cigarettes with a small liquid bead in the filter tip. The liquid in the small bead can make cigarettes more fragrant in the sucking process, strengthen the aroma or characteristics, and make smokers have a more comfortable experience. When in use, the explosive beads can be kneaded manually. For the time point of kneading explosion, they can be arranged according to their preferences.
After production and drying, smoke explosive beads may be damaged, leaked, hollow, deformed, containing bubbles and other substandard products. Therefore, it is necessary to test whether the bead is processed before entering the cigarette. At present, most of the tests for the qualifications of tobacco explosive beads are directly observed with naked eyes, but people's eyesight is limited and the observation effect is poor; or they set up lamp and other tools to assist lighting, but when people work in strong light, the visual impairment of the observer is greater, and the observer holds the explosive beads under the lamp to observe, the efficiency is very low, No. Easy to observe and easy to fatigue.

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